We claim we’re not governed by instinct, as other animals
are, but by reason. In reality we’re governed by a fear greater than either
reason or instinct, greater than common sense or the ordinary animal’s
instinct for survival.
We are the most destructive of animals because we’re always conscious
of our weakness, and afraid others will take advantage of that weakness.
We assume everyone is our enemy, actual or potential, so we attack them before
they can attack us.
When we attack and destroy others, we lose our feeling of weakness. We even persuade ourselves that we’re
actually strong, invincible. But that feeling of strength is as irrational as
our feeling of weakness, so it doesn’t last.
It’s not because we fear them that we do everything our
masters ask. We do it because we love our masters more than
we love ourselves. They are who we wish we were, our ideal selves.
Our masters prey on us as we prey on each other, so they
seem stronger than we are, just as we seem stronger than our
victims. But masters are weaker than their slaves. Masters need slaves
to do for them what they can’t or won’t do for themselves.
Every human society is divided into masters and slaves. We
rationalize this by claiming masters are naturally superior, and
slaves naturally inferior. Everyone knows this is a lie, but we're social
animals, and would rather live with others in a society based on lies than live
alone with the truth.
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