I used to play that game. I think I played it well because
I didn’t take it seriously. I took nothing seriously, because I knew life is
only a game, an illusion.
I was wrong not to take it seriously, because illusion is all
we have. We are such stuff as dreams are made on. We don’t wake to reality. We die.
I’ve always been immersed in depression by this knowledge, as
fish are immersed in water or other people are immersed in illusion. From time
to time I rise above it, as fish leap out of water or other people experience
enlightenment; but reality is not our natural element.
We call ourselves homo sapiens, but we’re the most ignorant
of animals. Other animals don’t delude themselves, as we do, that they’re more
than animals.
Instead of killing myself out of despair, I’ve stayed alive
because I hoped I'd eventually understand why the world is as it is, and be able help
others. But now I’ve accepted that I’m as capable of understanding the world
as a flea is capable of understanding calculus, and I no longer want to kill myself because a flea doesn't seem worth making the effort needed to end its suffering. If I respected all life, as I know
I should, I’d kill myself.
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