Tuesday, October 24, 2017

One Hundred and Forty Six

Now I have a job again, and money coming in.  Not enough to live comfortably, but enough to hope that I may save some money if no emergency arisesBut it's a false hope, as hope always is.  Emergencies always arise.

Don thought he was doing me a favor when he asked me to come back to work, so it would have been rude of me to refuse.  But I knew it was a mistake.  I was more dead than alive, and rousing myself from the grave has been exhausting.

Don still says I can save the company, but no one can do that.  I realized that eight years ago.  I realized long ago that people want to be saved, but only on their own terms.  Don wouldn’t listen to my business plan eight years ago.  He now admits I was right, but it’s too late.  There’s nothing I can do now

Each day I sit at my desk and think about standing up and walking out.  I‘m not the captain of this sinking ship.        

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