When the USSR collapsed, I knew the USA would be next. Now all that seemed solid melts into
air, all that seemed holy is profaned, and Man is at last compelled to face,
with sober senses, his real conditions of life and his relations with his own kind.
The cities are crumbling, the planet's dying and
all our elected representatives do is plunder the body politic. Our elected
representatives never did represent us, but now they don't even bother to pretend they govern, much
less that they govern in our name and represent our interests.
The rich reign, but do not rule. There are no rulers any more, and no rules. Why has it come to this?
was always going to come to this. We’ve
always been a destructive and self-destructive species because we never knew
what we wanted. We never knew ourselves
well enough to know what we wanted.
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